Leadership Lessons with Martin Haag - Part 2, How do we Shape the Future?

April 15, 2020

Part 2 - How can we shape and plan for the future. What sort of team and organisation do you want to be?

Firstly - how are you? Thank you to those that read, liked or commented on my first article ‘Managing in a Crisis’. Also, thanks to
those who got in touch to find out more about what we offer at Transition15.

Given the current climate it feels timely to share my approach to planning for the future based on past experiences and my commitment to continuous learning and development, both as a business leader and as a team player.


How do we work on the business and not in the business? What could we do and what might that look like?

By reflecting on both successes, and some failures, across a variety of roles, over the years, I have been able to maximise these experiences to help plan the next project better. What went well, what didn’t go so well and what would I/we do differently?

Sports Psychologist Bill Beswick, who has worked with Manchester United, and several England Football Youth sides, to name but a few, once said to me “Be ready” as you never know when the next opportunity comes around. Other coaches will tell of having a playbook. I like to work to a ‘framework’, that has been shaped and evolved from working with and in teams all my life, each-and-every one an opportunity to develop, adapt and evolve. My framework strategy works because it can be adapted to each-and-every team, and each-and-every organisation however different, as I strongly believe that no one-size or approach can ever fit all.

How would I describe the key components of my ’framework’ approach?

Share your Vision or Purpose - Have a clarity of purpose

Create a sense of shared ownership. What is it we want to achieve? How does this impact on how we want to be seen? And lastly, how will we bring our vision to life? Bring your people together and shape what the future looks like, together. In my experience this investment bonds people to agreed goals.

Leadership - Leadership of ourselves

How are we going to lead others to get the best for and from them and are we developing leaders for the future. My focus has always
been on servant led model; inspire and equip those around us as it’s not about having all of the answers but finding them together or empowering your people to have the confidence to look for solutions. Are we leading and driving the change necessary to be even more successful? What does good leadership look like within your organisation.

People - Building relationships

Trust in your guiding principles and your organisational shared values. Remember how and who you recruit to bring people on board with the necessary skills and capabilities; trust this and revisit it. Refine and invest in the development of your people and your training so that everyone works to improve every player every day in order to succeed. Aligning these behaviours brings the best out of people.

Environment – Build an empowering, positive, safe environment

Aligning this to previous elements and the practice of what we want to achieve. An empowered and positive environment is one where everyone takes responsibility for the learning and performance of the team and the organisation. A safe environment encourages some fun and where trust is a given. Create an environment where opinions matter and are valued, and where everyone has the space to be creative. And shape an environment of continual review and ‘be ready’ for revision.


From adversity comes opportunity. How can you make tomorrow better than today?

How are you going to develop your team and organisation over the coming months? Today/tomorrow/these coming few days and weeks is a great time to reflect, review, explore, challenge, support and develop your organisational framework.

We hope you find this useful.

If you're a business, sporting organisation or an
individual and would like an informal chat please feel free to contact me for
any help and support.

Please stay safe and stay well.

Martin Haag,

Performance Director

Transition 15


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